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Welcome to the Prayer Room at the U of M

We are a house of prayer for the Twin Cities, a community that together is seeking God's presence to usher in revival (life and hope) for the campus, city, and nations. We are housed at 3300 University Avenue in Minneapolis and are a ministry of

River of Hope Church.

What is encounter night? 

Encounter night is a place where we meet together around the altar to worship Jesus Christ. It’s where we build family with others in the Twin Cities who love the campus and want to see God pour out His Spirit. Come and seek God to change us and the city. We need your voice! There are opportunities to serve with hospitality, prayer, and worship throughout this event! Free parking is available in the church lot.

Get Involved

How would you like to be involved? Take a weekly or monthly 1-2 hour Prayer Shift, Play or Pray on a Live Worship Team, financially support, or volunteer during an Encounter night.

Upcoming Encounter Dates

June 18-19 July 16-17 August 20-21

September 17-18 October 15-16 

November 19-20 December 17-18

Our History

On August 13, 2017, the Prayer Room at the University of Minnesota (PR@UMN) launched with three days of continual prayer and worship. Since then we have been pressing in to see God’s Kingdom advance on the U of M campus and in the Twin Cities!


A fun historical fact about this date: the Moravians (major prayer leaders who kept a prayer movement going in Europe for 100+ years) deeply encountered the Lord, launching their prayer movement August 13, 1727 (290 years earlier!) ( This shows how the Lord has a divine sense of timing and how He pours out His Spirit.


The PR@UMN was Co-Founded by Elizabeth Sibernagel and Pastor Lowell Busman. They launched this movement that would revitalize Stadium Village Church and bring together a community of worshippers in the Twin Cities.

Why 24/7? 

In the Bible, King David had a tent dedicated to night and day prayer. As a result, he was the most victorious king of Israel! We believe continual prayer and worship is vital for city wide transformation. Our long-term goal is to establish 24/7 prayer with at least 2 or 3 believers gathering every 1-2 hours.


Jesus told the believers in Acts 2 to wait for the Holy Spirit to come. A hundred and twenty of them gathered together in unity. They prayed and sought the Lord until the Holy Spirit came upon them with fire. Three thousand people were saved that day. This was the beginning of the early church and it launched the spread of the gospel to the nations.


In Joel 2, God promised to pour out His Spirit again in the last days. Through night and day prayer, we are welcoming in this outpouring that will empower us to bring in the final harvest before the Lord’s return!


  • We care deeply about the University of Minnesota, and its students, faculty and staff, and want to see the campus flooded with life and hope in these dark times.

  • We aim to extravagantly worship Jesus 24/7, because no other spiritual discipline gains his attention faster (Matthew 15:21-28), and we worship on earth as it is in heaven. 

  • We desire to be a resting place of God and a connecting place for people; we want to build family!

Follow Us on social media! 

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